Monday, February 27, 2012

Day, #40, Living with Purpose

Living on purpose is the only way to really live.

Once you know what God wants you to do, the blessing comes in actually doing it.  There are many "good" things you can do with your life, but God's purposes are the five essentials you must do.

What is a Life Purpose Statement? 

It's a statement that summarizes god's purpose for your life.  A purpose statement is not a list of goals.  Goals are temporary; purposes are eternal.

It's a statement that points the direction of your life.  Writing down your purposes on paper will force you to think specifically about the path of your life.

It's a statement that defines "success"for you.  It states what you believe is important, not what the world says is important.

It's a statement that clarifies your roles.  You will have different roles at different stages in life, but your purposes will never change.

It's a statement that expresses your shape.  It reflects the unique way God made you to serve him.

Life's Greatest Questions

What will be the center of your life?   This is a question of worship.  Whatever is the center of your life is your god.

What will be the character of my life.  This is a question of discipleship.  God is far more interested in what you are than what you do.  It takes  a lifetime to build Christlike character.

What will be the contribution of my life.  This is the question of service.  What will be your ministry in the Body of Christ?  "This service you perform not only meets the needs of God's people, but also produces an outpouring of gratitude to God."

What will be the communication of my life?  This is the question of your mission to unbelievers.  It should include your commitment to share your testimony and the Good News. "Be sure to live in a way that brings honor to the Good News of Christ."

What will be the community of my life?   This is the question of fellowship.  How will you demonstrate your commitment to other believers and connection to the family of God?

God wants to use you.  Will you serve God's purpose in your generation?  "I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step."  When fulfilling your purposes seems tough, don't give in to discouragement.  remember your reward, which will last forever.  PDL, Chapter #40

Great questions to ask.

We are charged with following all five purposes
"Love God with all your heart."
"Love your neighbor as yourself."
"You were created to become like Christ."
"You were shaped for serving God."
"You were made for a mission."

We need to love and trust God.  We need to pray.  We need to be part of, and support a spiritual community (physically, financially and emotionally).  We need to put others first. We need to use what God has given us, both good and bad, to witness to others.  We are to become servants.  Most importantly we are to use everything to bring others to Christ

1 comment:

  1. This comment was posted by Doug Eshelman:

    living on purpose is the only way to really live - identity - importance - impact: I now have an appreciation for this concept and I am sure once you hit heaven the concept is exponential but I keep coming back to the hard fact that I have got to survive right now in this world and provide for my family; life purpose statement: think i probably need to spend a day reviewing the shape concept and putting together a draft of a purpose statement - I like the ideal that the final statement takes some time to develop - other confident decisions take time to arrive at too, at least for me; when God's at the center of your life, you worship: guess I need to work on this per my financial worry statement above; character issue: feel pretty comfortable with my position vis-a-vis the dog-eat business world I have to contend with; contribution issue: this is where I need to spend some time - maybe a weekend getaway with the wife to help me talk this thru - get a better handle on my shape; raising children to know Christ: I am a little embarrassed that my kids are distant from that concept, although I am gong to push harder on this as they mature; focus on God's purposes for your life - not my plan: can I really do this?; so the goal is too receive God's ultimate compliment of a "person after my own heart": I use this phrase in prayer and applying it to me but I now have a more serious ideal of what this might mean -
