Sunday, January 22, 2012

Monday Day # 5 Seeing life from God's View

Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones.

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. Anais Nin

The way you see your life shapes your life.

Who would you be, without your story. Byron Katie

How do you see your life?

Life is a test and a trust.

I have always viewed my life as a challenge. Having dyslexia and only a high school education, I have always thought that everything I've accomplished, was by my own hard work and perseverance. Now I see that it as God putting challenges in front of me, to see how I would handle them. When it comes to moral and spiritual issues, I've failed more often than I've succeeded, but now I feel that I have a firm foundation for what lies ahead. Back then, I didn't know God as I do now, but I thank him for those challenges, for without them, I wouldn't be the man that I am now. I think that God has been preparing me for a long while to be on the path that I am currently on.


  1. IT IS ALL ABOUT GOD!!! If I only come out with that idea, this entire exercise will be worth it.


  2. I see my life in many stages/phases that are characterized by age, spiritual maturity or lack of, health, relationships, etc. each one having it's own set of tests. Some of them I fail. So it's a process toward the goal of being what God intends me to be. I'm glad that God is a God of second chances!
