God wants all of you.
God is not interested in halfhearted commitment, partial obedience, and the leftovers of your time and money.
Where you worship is not as important as why you worship and how much of yourself you offer to God when you worship.
The best style of worship the one that most authentically represents you and your love for God.
God is pleased when your worship is thoughtful and specific.
God pleasing worship is based on Scripture. Real worship is rooted in the Word: it's based on truth, not our imagination. God pleasing worship is also from the heart. God designed your spirit to communicate with him. Worship is our spirit responding to God's spirit.
Each day/chapter weaves into the next forming a tapestry that I (hope) I will be able to clearly see. Today I see that where I worship is unimportant, but how I worship is very important. My worship must be my own and suit my personality. It must be honest, unpretentious and specific. When worshiping, I need to give God my full attention and my heart. Worship is a full body experience.
:ublic and private worship are pleasing to God, but I think private worship is more pleasing, because it creates intimacy with Him. We also have to set aside time and find a place to be alone with God with private worship. To me that would be more special to God. As our relationship with God deepens through private worship, I think it will make public worship more meaningful.